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Hallelulia and Porke Dios

Update 20.3.2016:

Nix Hallelulia. The fix didn't work long. So they took the gearbox out again and claimed the failure to be caused by debris left over in the system as it was not flashed. So they replaced the broken parts again in the gearbox, flashed the system and reinstalled the box. But then the engine didn't start as they have jammed a cable between the gearbox and engine. So again deinstalling the gearbox, pulling the cable out and fix it. Now the engine started, but didn't go into reverse. They claimed this time the replaced used valve body which was working before and then only cleaned for the second attemp, is now faulty. So we replaced this one with one from a spare gearbox and now it was working. The following testdrive first went very well for over a hour, offroading, uphill and downhill. Everything was working fine, acceleration, shifting, kickdown, all good. But suddenly the first gear started to slip and the transmission oil went very hot and smelt burned. So again, test drive failed. Talking to another gearbox mechanic revealed that the torque converter must be the source of all failures, although it was repaired and tested properly, so they say. Nevertheless, try and error is now over and the car goes back to Germany after the Easter Holidays next week. Meanwhile I fly to Miami, Key West and Atlanta to bridge the holidays here.

What an adventure. At least I got my full money back from the shop. The car is still driving well, when the oil is cold, which helps me to put it in the container. Nevertheless long distances are not possible, which means I have to tow it to Cartagena. Arggggggggg

After only 6 weeks we finally managed to repair and reinstall the gearbox back in the car. Everything looks and drives good. Just a little bit adjustment of the shifter and kick down cables, an offroad test tomorrow, and I am ready to go again. I have now a complete overhault gearbox for a least half of the price in Germany/UK. At least one good thing out of it. Therefore muchas gracias to Hernando and his team from Iguana 4x4 in Barranquilla.

Unfortunally Thomas decided last week without any warning to continue on its own in Columbia and left me behind. As it doesn't make sense for me to continue on my own to Bolivia as such trip you should always do with somebody, this means now that SA is over for me this time. No need to describe how I feel. It was only two years preparation for my dream to go to SA. Makes me thinking.....

But I also find new friends (of course Land Rover friends :)) which I will see again in July in Italy.

Well, after long thinking I decided to ship the car next week to Miami and to drive up to Halifax and ship it back to Germany from there. And while my car is on route I will fly to Curacao and drink a big Plunters Punch at the Bar, hicks.

Inbetween I will visit my friends in Miami and Atlanta. Check out New Orleans and the South, continue to Phoenix and Flagstaff for the Overland Expo on 20-22.5.

And finally drive the great devide up north.

At least that is the plan. And as now learnt it always comes different anyway.

It was overall a great time in Columbia, but a shitty ending.

But I will be back to do Patagonia. With a different car and companion!

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