Hallelulia and Porke Dios
Update 20.3.2016: Nix Hallelulia. The fix didn't work long. So they took the gearbox out again and claimed the failure to be caused by...
Walking the Rain Forest
Barachia, Berlin,Zapatoca, San Vincente, Zapatoca, Rionegro (El Portal) After driving long hours on gravel roads we decided to do some...
The East Kordilleren
Villa del Leyva, Duitama, Soata, El Cocuy, Duitama, Charala, San Gil, Barichara We drove up north to the El Cocuy Nataional Park to do...
Villa de Leyva
Medellin, Puerto Araujo, Villa de Leyva We drove a nice 470km road from Medellin to Villa Leyva, trhough the mountains and dschungels....
South to Medellin
Necogli, Turbo, Santa Fe, Medellin Despite warnings in most travel guides, driving west of the Paramilo National Parc isn't a good idea...
Sapzurro and Panama
We are now 4 weeks in the country and should be actually on our way to Ecuador, but due to the sophisticated British technique I am...
Impressions along the road
While my car is hopefully repaired within the next 2 weeks we are heading down south to the golf of Uraba and then over to Carpurgana on...
Murphies Law
It had to happen. Although I don't know why me, but it did. Driving up the hills I experienced a loss in power and engine and oil...
At the Beach
25.1-30.1.2016 After three day successful work at my Landy to fix the starter and the ignition switch we finally could drive back the...
For my Swiss Friends
Melanie and Lukas from "cruisingoffline.ch", who helped me a lot while I was stuck and without them I would still be. Although as stated...