We are now 4 weeks in the country and should be actually on our way to Ecuador, but due to the sophisticated British technique I am driving we will stay a little bit longer :-)
We are now in Sapzurro und enjoying being lazy for 3 days. But the ride to here was an adventure on its own. We were packed with 43 other people in a small boat and started at 8 am for a only 2hour ride. We had good seats in the middle of the boat, where it was not to bumpy and to wet. In the beginning we were laughing about te poor people behind us who got soaked in water and tried to cover them self with plastic bags. But damn after 10 mins on the open sea the waves went up to 6 m and we were soaked in water as well. We had several at least 2m drops with the boat and everybody was terrified as we had to continue for another hour. It was the worst boat trip I ever had. Not feeling unsecure but it was a constant fight with holding tight and getting splashed by sea water. And seeing the boat driving into 5m waves, like Captain Ahab, is not something I have to do every day. Hopefully the ride back will be more pleasant.
Sapzurro is an very laid back island with a nice bay. We booked in a well established hostel at the beach and relaxed.
As the panama boarder is only 20mins away we walked over and checked it out. Interesting but not as beautiful as the Columbian side as very dirty as usal here in SA.