Necogli, Turbo, Santa Fe, Medellin
Despite warnings in most travel guides, driving west of the Paramilo National Parc isn't a good idea due to the residual Farc activites we did it anyway and were not disapointed. We drove through beautiful mountains and dschungels, always feeling secure due the large amount of militär presence. we made a stop inbetween in Santa Fe, a nice historic little town, before arriving on Friday night in Medellin.
And the first time we had some heavy rain down into Medellin, which iwas good as we also had 41°C before.
Medellin is defintely the best city in columbia. Perfect location in a valley, optimal temperatures, clean, beautiful women, great shopping, open party scene. A perfect spot to hang out or even to live.
Meanwhile the gearbox from the Landy was removed and delivered to the transmission guy for repair. Hopefully tomorrow I know more.
South to Medellin
Santa Fe